I awoke trying to capture the second image, for the first was burned into my mind so clearly that joy filled my heart. I lay for an hour trying to take it all in before searching for paper & watercolor to capture it, none was to be found. Pencil & paper would have to suffice. I asked the Holy Spirit to enable these hands to convey what I saw and a sketch came forth. I struggled with my limited ability to convey the simplest of features and it greatly lacked understanding. It was then that I realized that I could only capture it rightly with words.... As I endeavor to "paint" this scene, I take no liberty, but am in fact writing with the overarching knowledge of Truth and so offer insight as it was made known to me. Mere human words constrain and minimize its intensity and grandeur. The Mantle There were two hand cut stone staircases rising upward in a straight, gentle slope. The steps were large silvery grey multilayered slab...