LORD, Thank You for Your ever present help. What manner of God, loves so intimately? What manner of God rules the nations, the galaxies, all that is, yet cares for the creation of His hands? What manner of God loves so intensely the creation of His hands that when they circumvented His ways and aligned themselves against Him, He, as a Good Father, came into our very existence and sacrificially, painfully paved a way back, shepherding us gently with each step… You, O’ God, could have chosen any way to deal with us and our sin, yet Your solution is to enter in instead of cast out. To redeem, not condemn. To reconcile, never abandon. To love, and that in abundance. And that Love, Jesus. Not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance. Oh, that we would attempt to fathom that magnitude and cost of that great Love! Oh that it would prick our heart and so cause us to turn to the Way, the One – Jesus. And forsake our own ways, own thinking, a