Flying - 5/25/18 the first day of the rest of my life and there is a beautiful blank canvas before me... That used to scare me, now I’m just timid about the first stroke. But the palette is being prepared for the Master and His work is always beautiful, so I rest as I wait. Metaphors will abound today, for I love them! They breathe life into our limited language and paint deeper understanding in our minds. ;-) Last night, as I drove away from HDC, the place & people who have been my home for over 13 years, my heart broke and it was a Gilgal moment. Remembering pulling into the parking lot for the first time over 18 years ago, now leaving it for the last time… So, so much life has happened in between! And God in His faithfulness to me, bound me up in short time and as I blew a blessed kiss and waved goodbye the tears began cease and my heart, held fast within His loving hands, overflowed with gratitude for the great gift, actually a ...