Sleepy, humbled, deeply touched... Under bitter circumstances I met her. Life as she knew it was being drained away yet she had what I like to call the "freaky peace" - Philippians 4 peace, the peace that surpasses all human understanding. The fact that she was barely into adulthood only spoke more loudly of God's grace in her. This is so rare and God set us on the path to walk awhile together in this life - for this I will be eternally grateful. Even in the midst of tragedy she brings forth beauty, captures moments and blesses others. God has gifted her exceedingly abundantly and in her humbleness she shares it generously. Last night we got together for coffee & visit (which lasted until almost midnight) and she blew me away. She had recently entered a beautiful memorial piece in the fair and, via funny story, found out she placed second overall!!! I was so proud of her and had gone to the fair specifically to see her work & espe...