“Wholeheartedly fling yourself upon Him”. This always seemed about salvation to me. Oh, I’ve given Jesus my life, but this, there is more... Today I’m given a vision, the next step in understanding. Today it looks like a fisherman’s net being cast. My life, your life, is the net. I get the image of the net being cast against the sunrise. It is flung with might and rises high into the air, it hangs there briefly as it spreads wide – wholly open to the full, beautiful against the heavens, then descends quickly into the dark waters. This is the image of being “wholeheartedly flung.” Then, then you see, the Master’s hand can begin drawing in the catch… To be wholeheartedly flung means to fly! But it also means to know the depths. Beneath the dark waters, all manner of things tear at us. Slowly the Master draws us in and the drawing takes us places we do not want to go and we fear we will not withstand the strain, but H...