To have heard, rather seen, the heartbeat of God… Who could have imagined it possible, yet it is! To be gathered unto His breast, head cradled in His arm – perfect peace, perfect love.
The heartbeat of God is visible and He is eager for you to know… This journal entry His revelation:
LORD, Father, Daddy, what would You want to say to Your child today?
Do you hear my love for you? (my head is against his chest)
(Yes LORD, like rays of sunshine beaming from Your heart.)
This is my love for you. Radiant and pure. Always for you not against you. Bask in my love and let it heal you. My love is always. It never ends. From it the universe (infused, received, gets,) its light. My glory dwells with me and gives light to the day but my love is sent forth in radiant beams
Do you hear my love?
(Yes LORD, it is like sunbeams radiating forth from your heart)
My love goes forth to heal the nations touching each one’s heart. The light of my love sets a spark in your heart and you feel it burn brightly, with great warmth. Know that is me in you.
(Yes LORD. i feel it)
How many of my children do not feel it. How many settle for distant relationships and forgo the intimate, and loose such richness in it. I long to have My heart burn in them, they must long for it too and I will send my love into them and warm their cold hearts. And they will see and they will hear the goodness of who I AM. They know my wrath, they know my might, they have heard stories of old but they have not tasted and seen for themselves the depth of my love. My great & powerful love for them. The love that saved them.
(OH, LORD for that brief moment, i saw the universe above Your head, crowning You. it was amazing!!! I felt You pull me close, as one with a child on their lap. cradling me...Oh, how i love it here! What else would You want to say today?)
I AM. I am tender towards you, My work will prevail and shall overcome all darkness and then there will only be glorious light. Night will flee and death will vanish and in fullness you shall know Me and shall be known. Freed from all that hinders, you shall see Me face to face and you will rejoice. I will gather my children into my arms and hold them close to me and my heart will swell with love. And all will see and all will know and will rejoice. We will be one as we were as it was the beginning.
His love shines in you!