Matthew 27:25 "Then answered all the people, and said, His blood be on us, and on our children." Last night these Words were illuminated in a new way. As they were read at the Good Friday service, as a memorial of the sufferings of Christ, Holy Spirit revealed a depth I’d never known before. It is retrospect that affords clear sight but I wonder if there were any prophets that saw the unfolding events and dared to see them in the light of God’s Word and marveled at His ways… As the beloved, holy people of God cried out for the death of His Son Jesus did they care that they were calling down a curse upon themselves and the generations to follow? Was it the chaos of the crowd that caused such horrific emote? Did they know, but in light of their blindness, not care? Did they know that even in their worst moment they were still a beloved people of God? Even He still used them in that moment to prophesy His great redemption. You see, what they meant in ang