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Showing posts from August, 2023

I Wuz Here

Walking along the shore today, peacefully taking in the rhythmic sounds of the waves, the beauty of the brilliant gray sky, the colorful tumbled stones upon the shore... The young people ahead of me were laughing and enjoying themselves and just then a sneaky wave wrapped round my ankles. As I looked down the footprints in front of me were swept away. In an unexpected instant they were gone. And it came to me that the marks we make on this world are fleeting.   It stopped me in my tracks – I had to capture this for you, for me.   Are the marks I’m leaving lasting? Or will they fade away?   When we come to the end of our lives, don’t we want to know that we’ve made an impact in this life, one that will last after we pass? But as I look around at crumbling cliffs and waning footprints, I think of falling towers and unsinkable ships that sank…  Who was the builder of the great ship? Who the architect of the twin towers? Anything made by human hands will one day fall, one day fail. I wonde