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Showing posts from February, 2014


She refuses to give up, even when she wants to. Hopeless fixer? Maybe, but maybe she sees beyond the way things seem. She longs for an eternal perspective.  She is stubborn, refusing to accept that things will not change, even when she's faced with the "facts". God is Redeemer, she must remember to get out of the way of  The Holy Spirit and allow Him to do the work. She must not rely on her own knowledge, strength or effort.  How do you change old habits? Only The Holy Spirit can evoke turning to God in ALL things, to ask before engaging! Remind her O'God that she can trust you. She desires to love like Christ.  Daily desires to walk in step with The HolySpirit. Seeks God's way in the midst of chaos. Questioning not His will, but rather how does His grace look in the daily things. Willing to obediently submit, even when circumstance cause concern! God is friend, how does she reflect that into the lives of those she cares for?  Only through The Holy Spirit of...