I’ve been reading the Message Bible recently for a fresh taste of God’s Word. And, is God’s way and timing, today I started the book of Mark, as we prepare for Advent – the eager awaiting of Christ, Mark too was eager to share about His coming. The good news of Jesus Christ—the Message!—begins here, following to the letter the scroll of the prophet Isaiah. The notes introducing the Book of Mark include a powerful statement that strikes a tone in my heart today. “ The bare announcement that God exists doesn't particularly qualify as news. Most people in most centuries have believed in the existence of God or gods. It may well be, in fact, that human beings in aggregate and through the centuries have given more attention and concern to divinity than to all their other concerns put together - food, housing, clothing, pleasure, work, family, whatever.” Oh, this is so evident, especially in these days. We ebb and flow through life worried over trivial...