Philippians 3:12-19 " because Christ Jesus made me his own." These words leapt off the page and into my heart this morning. Oh, let's read them again " because Christ Jesus made me his own ." let them sink deeply into your heart, into those places of insecurity and doubt... His work, not yours, saved you. He chose you, you didn't choose Him. He has everything, you have nothing. You were an orphan and He brought you into His fold. Christ Jesus made you His own. These powerful words follow Paul's account of his works and how he counts them as rubbish so that he may gain Christ and the righteousness that comes only from Christ Himself through faith in His finished work on the cross. Who are you being today? A weary frustrated mom; an overworked husband; an invisible teen; an overachiever seeking value; a woman who hates her reflection; a young man confident in his own ability; a hollow façade; perfect in your own eyes; righteous in you wo