Philippians 3:12-19 "because Christ Jesus made me his own."
These words leapt off the page and into my heart this morning.
Oh, let's read them again "because Christ Jesus made me his own." let them sink deeply into your heart, into those places of insecurity and doubt...
His work, not yours, saved you. He chose you, you didn't choose Him. He has everything, you have nothing. You were an orphan and He brought you into His fold. Christ Jesus made you His own.
These powerful words follow Paul's account of his works and how he counts them as rubbish so that he may gain Christ and the righteousness that comes only from Christ Himself through faith in His finished work on the cross.
Who are you being today? A weary frustrated mom; an overworked husband; an invisible teen; an overachiever seeking value; a woman who hates her reflection; a young man confident in his own ability; a hollow façade; perfect in your own eyes; righteous in you works? No matter who you are in this moment, unless you know "Who's you are" you are lost.
Who you are "being" is not who you truly "are!" "because Christ Jesus made you His own!" You are HIS!
When we, with downcast eyes, drudge through this life, we speak that our God is impotent to aid in the simplest of things. That He cannot be trusted to bring comfort or aid. That He has no care for His so called children. That he is in fact like many earthly fathers. Selfish, distant, uninvolved, unloving, inconsistent, frustrated and punishing. Do you see the picture we portray to a dying world? "Come, join my pitiful family so that you too can live under harsh rule with no hope." Why would they want what we portray?
Oh, oh, dear ones, we must repent! Turn, run! Because Christ Jesus died your death and rose to give you life and gave you His Word so that you may have life, life in abundance!
For many years I was blind to my witness, but now I see. "Not that I have already obtained this or am already perfect, but I press on to make it my own BECAUSE CHRIST JESUS HAS MADE ME HIS OWN(!)...But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead. I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. (!)" Paul speak the words of my heart, or rather my heart resonates with his powerful, active words.
Paul was so gracious to not leave us to our imagination as to how to make this change. How to remember "Who's" we are and what that means. God penned a prescription through Paul and it continues through chapter 4. Loved one, this writing could be a volumes if I wrote it. It's best you know it for yourself first hand. Turn to Philippians and read. The book is short, but don't hurry through it. Read one line at a time and let God speak to you. Believe Him!
So, who ARE you today? Will you let your life align with who God says you are? Are you willing to believe God's Word over your own feelings and false thoughts? I challenge you this day to live your life in a manner worthy of the Gospel of Christ and let your life reflect God as He really is: Loving, Merciful, Grace Full, Intimate, Selfless, Holy, Holy, Holy... What's your answer?
Because Christ Jesus has made me His own I will/am _________________________________.
Share what you filled in. Let us encourage one another today!
These words leapt off the page and into my heart this morning.
Oh, let's read them again "because Christ Jesus made me his own." let them sink deeply into your heart, into those places of insecurity and doubt...
His work, not yours, saved you. He chose you, you didn't choose Him. He has everything, you have nothing. You were an orphan and He brought you into His fold. Christ Jesus made you His own.
These powerful words follow Paul's account of his works and how he counts them as rubbish so that he may gain Christ and the righteousness that comes only from Christ Himself through faith in His finished work on the cross.
Who are you being today? A weary frustrated mom; an overworked husband; an invisible teen; an overachiever seeking value; a woman who hates her reflection; a young man confident in his own ability; a hollow façade; perfect in your own eyes; righteous in you works? No matter who you are in this moment, unless you know "Who's you are" you are lost.
Who you are "being" is not who you truly "are!" "because Christ Jesus made you His own!" You are HIS!
When we, with downcast eyes, drudge through this life, we speak that our God is impotent to aid in the simplest of things. That He cannot be trusted to bring comfort or aid. That He has no care for His so called children. That he is in fact like many earthly fathers. Selfish, distant, uninvolved, unloving, inconsistent, frustrated and punishing. Do you see the picture we portray to a dying world? "Come, join my pitiful family so that you too can live under harsh rule with no hope." Why would they want what we portray?
Oh, oh, dear ones, we must repent! Turn, run! Because Christ Jesus died your death and rose to give you life and gave you His Word so that you may have life, life in abundance!
For many years I was blind to my witness, but now I see. "Not that I have already obtained this or am already perfect, but I press on to make it my own BECAUSE CHRIST JESUS HAS MADE ME HIS OWN(!)...But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead. I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. (!)" Paul speak the words of my heart, or rather my heart resonates with his powerful, active words.
Paul was so gracious to not leave us to our imagination as to how to make this change. How to remember "Who's" we are and what that means. God penned a prescription through Paul and it continues through chapter 4. Loved one, this writing could be a volumes if I wrote it. It's best you know it for yourself first hand. Turn to Philippians and read. The book is short, but don't hurry through it. Read one line at a time and let God speak to you. Believe Him!
So, who ARE you today? Will you let your life align with who God says you are? Are you willing to believe God's Word over your own feelings and false thoughts? I challenge you this day to live your life in a manner worthy of the Gospel of Christ and let your life reflect God as He really is: Loving, Merciful, Grace Full, Intimate, Selfless, Holy, Holy, Holy... What's your answer?
Because Christ Jesus has made me His own I will/am _________________________________.
Share what you filled in. Let us encourage one another today!
Beautifully stated!