Pondering this today… Romans 4: 20-21, Speaking of Abraham’s faith in the promise God made to make him a father of many nations, “No unbelief made him waiver concerning the promise of God, but grew strong in his faith as he gave glory to God, fully convinced that God was able to do what he had promised.” “No unbelief made him waiver” Oh, oh, how I want that to be said of me! Abraham didn’t consider his old age of 100 or Sarah’s barren womb an obstacle to God promise to become the father of many nations! It didn’t weaken his faith! He just believed! How many times do we let what lay before us discourage us (make us courage-less) from fully believing God? How many times is our faith tested by the mere happenings James 1 exhorts us no to be surprised over? Scripture is replete with examples of faith-full-ness (read Hebrews 11 hall of faith!) but it also has many examples that mirror our own lives in times of weakness, faith-less-ness. I’m being convic...