Pondering this today…
Romans 4: 20-21, Speaking of Abraham’s faith in the promise God made to make him a father of many nations, “No unbelief made him waiver concerning the promise of God, but grew strong in his faith as he gave glory to God, fully convinced that God was able to do what he had promised.”
“No unbelief made him waiver” Oh, oh, how I want that to be said of me!
Abraham didn’t consider his old age of 100 or Sarah’s barren womb an obstacle to God promise to become the father of many nations! It didn’t weaken his faith! He just believed!
How many times do we let what lay before us discourage us (make us courage-less) from fully believing God? How many times is our faith tested by the mere happenings James 1 exhorts us no to be surprised over? Scripture is replete with examples of faith-full-ness (read Hebrews 11 hall of faith!) but it also has many examples that mirror our own lives in times of weakness, faith-less-ness. I’m being convicted in the very typing of these words as the thought comes to me:
If God never changes, why does our faith?
Stay with me here, could it be that in cases where our faith seems “less than” or “weak” that in actuality, it’s misplaced? In those moments is our faith truly in the sovereign God? Or have we believed some lie about who God is, or about who we are – and now our faith is falters because it is not solidly grounded in the unchanging God?
What kinds of thoughts could hinder our faith-full-ness?
- God is a distant God, concerned about world affairs. He doesn’t have time, nor is concerned about my little life.
- I’ve been struggling with sin lately so He is punishing me or can’t bless me.
- There is no way this could ever happen/be righted.
- It’s impossible.
- I know God told me to do ____, but I don’t feel capable.
- I can do it on my own…
- I am not worthy…
You’re beginning to get the picture. These lies of the enemy undermine our faith in the One who is always faith-full! Our enemy wants to keep us dependent upon ourselves, ultimately leading us to discouragement – our faith “seemingly weakened,” that we become fear-full. And hopes that instead of running to our Father for help, we will distance ourselves from Him. Another win for the enemy.
Sound familiar? Wasn’t that how he deceived Eve? He got her to believe the lie that God was withholding something good from her. Then he enticed her to depend upon herself to just take what she wanted instead of going to God to talk about it. (her relationship with God now broken) Then as reality set in her courage fled and she ran from God.
Who of us can relate? I sure can. Most recently our family has been faced with what seems an impossible situation and at times I’ve found myself fear-filled over the future. Today this Scripture was a tender reminder from my heavenly Father to trust Him. Don’t look at what looms ahead, even what may surround us, but run to Him for understanding. Ask for what we need and trust. Trust without wavering! So, I receive His Truth and choose to believe it over my circumstance and my feelings – and I am filled with courage!
I want to encourage you today to ask Holy Spirit to help you, as well, to identify any lies that may be hindering your faith. Then head to the Truth – who is Jesus. Go to His Word and find a truth to counter those lies. Most importantly, chose to believe it, no matter how you feel – because we all know that feelings are fickle! Write that truth down and speak it aloud as often as needed to build up your faith.
Ponder it, so that your mind be renewed, and your life can be transformed.
It is my desire to live transparently with you, so that you may be encouraged, and together, we may be transformed into the image of of our beloved Jesus.
Much love,
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