Lasts are very important to me, they always have been. They are cherished memories, a "snap shot" held in the heart, if you will. Last calls, last visits, last words... I have a confession here. Because they are so important to me and handwritten notes are a lost gift, I keep several years Christmas cards tucked into the ornament box. Each year I take the previous years out of the box and re-cherish each one, holding one's love in my hands - pressing it into me heart. If it happens to be the "last" one I will have received it is reverently placed in a box my mom made for me. But only after spending time considering what those last words represent... One such treasure is from my Grandma Losey, whom I love dearly. She sent our family a letter when we lived in MO - she shared her gift of "hand written" love generously! That short note, folded in thirds then once over, wishing us well and sharing her heart heart with us, burns brightly still in my mi...