Father God in His loving care, has pressed us in His hand.
Indelibly our fate is sealed untouched by any man.
His love so great He sent His Son and yet again we’re sealed,
Through cross and death and Blood, and yet, in Jesus we are healed.
And is our God, perfectly complete, He poured His Spirit out
And Holy Spirit once-for-all, sealed us - now no doubt.
Thrice sealed, each member of the Godhead
completing His own part.
Thrice sealed, for surely we aid Him not,
His grace, it needs no help.
Thrice sealed, for all eternity
complete and completed by Him.
None can snatch us, none can have us, none can thwart His mighty will.
Thrice securely,
thrice assuredly,
thrice, eternally sealed.
Written for my son Matt as we celebrate his life and lay him in the cleft of the rock.
August 13, 2016
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