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Once, it was this way.  A long and beautiful harmony.  That was before.  Then it was a strong and sustained tune. Each unique note heightened by the single movement - never lost within. With one voice praising, with one voice rejoicing, one singular voice. 

Now it is this, now it is fragmented. 

One lovely, singing a new faraway song.
One lonely, left to sing a somber solo. 
One astray, seeking an unfamiliar tune.
One wandering, seeking a song of its own.
Two writing new music for the one coming.
Two steadfast in harmony anew -
Two echo soundly in chorus.
Three finding melodies, each their own.
One quietly keeping tune.
One vibrant soprano soaring to new heights.
One solo, vying to be heard.
One silent.

What once came forth in full harmonious swell, now, is only happenstance -rarely finding a common note. Random chords, like the tuning exercise of a children's band. Squeal and rasp, awkward and disjointed. The lovely harmony broken by space and will, now void of its great and beautiful power. 

Fragments of what once was a rare and lovely piece of great worth...      

One Faithful Conductor - orchestrating, writing a new song...


  1. Beautiful and rich in truth...Amen!

  2. My sweet, this is... Hauntingly beautiful. Humbly relatable.

    When those precious moments of noise are actually played together on pitch, however momentary, they are a resounding reminder of the beautiful momentary orchestra that they are.

    God tells us to make a joyful noise - He does not say make a beautiful noise. He knows we can't most of the time. Our noise isn't always harmonious and many times is not beautiful, and on occasion is even ear-piercing, but when made with joy, God is honored. A beautiful reminder to focus on the JOY of being able to make noise.
    I love you. I love what comes from your heart on this blog. You make me think, chew, and pray about many things in my life. Keep writing. You are blessing me and so many others.


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